An assembly or tutor time powerpoint that goes through what Fairtrade is and how we can help.
Will need to take out / alter the specifics to my school and local supermarket that are having a stand in Fairtrade fortnight - but quick and easy to alter.
A useful resource to support Fairtrade fortnight and educate / raise awareness of young people to such a good cause.
A power point that goes through what sexting is; what you should do; who can help and the illegality of it.
Could be used in a set of assemblies following Internet safety day on 7/2/17
Assembly; tutor time or PSHE resource
An assembly for back to school and the New Year.
It includes lots about the Chinese New Year and then several slides on what new year means to students - turning over a new leaf; improved behaviour / attitude / better progress
What does going the extra mile mean?
The human commitment that goes beyond the norm for another person or cause. Making a sacrifice over and above normal expectations to achieve a goal.
Looking at the story of Rick and Dick Hoyt
Quotes for inspirational people - for discussion
Inspirational links
Biographies of inspirational people
Lots of resources on this theme - ideal for tutor time / theme weeks